What’s the Difference Between Electronic Cigarettes and E-Hookah?

Technology has produced some amazing things over the years. The invention of the eCig is certainly a technological breakthrough. Many wonder about the differences between the electronic cigarette and E the E Hookah. Generally speaking, they are very similar but there are a few key differences that you will want to note. E Cigs are very easy to use. They provide nicotine like traditional cigarettes but instead of smoke, you are actually inhaling vapor. The vapor that is inhaled is a form of water that is mixed with the flavor of tobacco so you actually feel as if you are smoking. Speaking of flavor, todays choices offer a wide range of flavors with everything from traditional tobacco to cappuccino, strawberries and cream and even your favorite soda flavor. If you are looking for an alternative to traditional cigarettes, want a wide variety of flavors and you like to smoke quickly without worries of taking a lot of time to prepare, the eCig may be your best choice.  Now on to the e-hookah. The hookah also sends vapor into your body but there is a bit of a different mentality involved with the hookah. Those who prefer a more powerful flavor may prefer the hookah. It also produces much larger clouds of “smoke” so if you prefer a lot of smoke then you may prefer the hookah over the e Cig. They are more designed for those who tend to spend a lot of time smoking. With an eCig, you can simply puff when you want and for however long you want provided you have a fully charged battery. Most people take a few puffs and then go on about their day.
The hookah however, takes a bit more time to prepare but you get a bit more time to enjoy your puffing. If you tend to smoke when you hang out with friends or in other words, if this is a social pastime then you may prefer the hookah. They do however; lack the convenience and the ease of use that you get with an eCgi. The biggest determining factor if you are looking to choose between the two would be your smoking environment. Hookahs are considered to be luxury items. It may take you up to ten minutes or so to prepare it but it can last for many hours. The eCig is more of a convenient design. It takes only seconds to prepare but then again, it doesn’t last as long as the hookah before it has to be prepared again.
When you buy e cig, you can get started puffing quickly and you have about ten minutes or so to enjoy the vapor. With the hookah, you may have to take a bit more time to prepare but the vapor will last for several hours. The hookah is a better choice if you typically like to really taste the flavor and enjoy a lot more smoke or if you simply like to socialize while you are puffing. It basically comes down to convenience and how long you want to have to prepare for the vapor.

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